A tour guide in Mantua and Sabbioneta

- I work with tiny groups up to 12 people (or up to 25 only in case you are equipped with radio guides), so you may better enjoy your guided tour.
- I highly recommend a 90 minute tour per day, so your attention and enthusiasm are not turning to tiredness.

- The Ducal Palace and the Camera Picta (alias Camera degli Sposi) by Andrea Mantegna.
- The Palazzo Te, by Giulio Romano.
- The cathedral and St. Andrew’s basilica.
- The Francesco Gonzaga Museum.
- Temporary exhibits.
- Sabbioneta, the ideal city of the Renaissance, by Vespasiano Gonzaga.

- Power symbology and art treasures of the Gonzaga family.
- The Mantua of Isabella d’Este and her son Federico II Gonzaga.
- The Mantua of poet Virgil, id est the ancient Roman town.
- In the footsteps of the authors and writers who lived in and wrote about Mantua.
- Fairy-tale guided tours to Mantua (for children).
- In the footsteps of faith, among churches and museums of sacred art.
- In the footsteps of the ancient Jewish community of Mantua, among tales and cooking.
- In the footsteps of Giuseppe Verdi’s Rigoletto and of the musicians who had to do with Mantua: such as Claudio Monteverdi, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonio Vivaldi...

Visits always take place with a licensed qualified tour guide, certified for tours in English, French, Spanish and Italian.

Before requiring a reservation, please be sure to read and understand the terms of service.


+39 0376 158 6243
📨 mantovaguide@litterae.eu


🇮🇹 Italiano  🇬🇧 English  🇫🇷 Français
🇪🇸 Español 


Hanno detto

Visiting Sabbioneta and Mantova with you made sense to our lyceum educational trip to Northern Italy. We want you to be our guide also next years - Ian V, Netherlands


AlbertiarazziarcheologiaarchitetturaBeltramicucinaduomoFederico II GonzagafilateliafolclorefotografiaGiulio RomanoinformaticaIsabella D'EsteLanfrancolibriMantegnaMatilde di CanossaMonteverdimostreMuseo Francesco GonzagamusicanaturaPalazzo D'ArcoPalazzo della RagionePalazzo DucalePalazzo TePiazza SordellopitturaRaffaelloSabbionetaSant'AndreaSanta Barbarasculturasportstoriastreet artTizianoUnescoVerdiVincenzo GonzagaZandomeneghi


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